RescueMED's ACEM, ACRRM, AEEM & WMS - accredited course "Wilderness Rescue Medicine" is specifically designed for medical professionals seeking to broaden their skill base and build confidence in providing cutting edge medical care in remote and austere settings. Join us over four days at Mt White Station, Arthurs Pass, New Zealand amongst the awe inspiring and captivating Southern Alps to complete a Wilderness Rescue Medicine Course. This course has been developed with particular emphasis on the medical presentations likely to be encountered within the High Country environment, where you will be exposed to a skill base exploring wilderness medical care all whilst enjoying the vast remote corners of Mt White.
Wilderness Rescue Medicine is approved for 31.45 ACEM CPD hours. 31.75 ACRRM CPD hours, and 21.25 AEEM CPD hours throughout 2024.
Wilderness Rescue Medicine courses are eligible for ACRRM & RACGP Rural Procedural Grants Programmes.
Procedural GP's can receive $2000 per day, for up to 3 days of training per financial year, and GP's providing hospital based emergency services can receive up to three days of eligible training per financial year.